Iberdomide in Combination with Dexamethasone in Pts with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma
Despite recent advances, MM remains incurable and new therapeutic options are needed, particularly for pts with RRMM. IBER is a novel, potent oral cereblon E3 ligase modulator (CELMoD®) compound with enhanced tumoricidal and immune-stimulatory effects compared with immunomodulatory (IMiD®) agents. Preclinically, IBER demonstrated marked synergy with DEX and with other standard myeloma treatments. CC-220-MM-001 (NCT02773030) is an ongoing phase 1/2 study evaluating IBER with different treatment combinations in independent cohorts of pts with RRMM; in phase 1, the recommended phase 2 dose of IBER, when given in combination with DEX, was determined at 1.6 mg . Here we report results from the dose expansion of IBER + DEX in pts with heavily pretreated, triple-class exposed (including ≥ 1 IMiD agent, ≥ 1 proteasome inhibitor [PI], and ≥ 1 anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody [mAb]) RRMM.
IBER + DEX demonstrated promising efficacy in pts with heavily pretreated, triple-class exposed and refractory RRMM, as well as in pts who had previously received anti-BCMA therapy; this combination was generally well tolerated and TEAEs were manageable with dose reductions and interruptions. These results support the further development of IBER in MM, including phase 3 trials in combination regimens.

ASH 2021: Abstract 162