The IMF produces and maintains an extensive library of up-to-date educational publications and periodicals for patients and caregivers, as well as for healthcare professionals. All IMF publications are always free of charge and are available to download by clicking the links below.

Full of our informative publications, including our Patient Handbook and selections from the popular Understanding Series, the InfoPack is your introductory path to learning about myeloma and its treatments. All IMF publications are available free-of-charge.

One of the most daunting aspects of being diagnosed with myeloma is learning about an unfamiliar disease that is quite complicated. The IMF’s Patient Handbook for the Newly Diagnosed provides an overview of myeloma, with a focus on getting the correct diagnosis and prognostic classification, the tests you really need, when to begin treatment, which issues to consider when selecting your treatment regimen, and supportive care measures to alleviate the physical and emotional impact of myeloma.

This booklet provides an overview of myeloma for patients with relapsed or refractory disease. It includes a discussion of epidemiology, clinical features, pathophysiology, drugs currently in use for myeloma in the U.S., response or remission, relapsing or refractory disease, and supportive care.

The IMF's Understanding series of cancer information booklets is designed to acquaint you with specific multiple myeloma-related tests, treatments and therapies, supportive care measures, and common adverse events.

Designed to serve as consistent references in a concise manner, the IMF’s Tip Cards cover key topics, including treatment and care issues of interest to patients and caregivers.

IMF Periodicals are free by subscription at
- Myeloma Minute: Weekly email newsletter with up-to-the "minute" information about myeloma.
- Myeloma Today: Quarterly journal with scientific and clinical news about myeloma, multiple myeloma education and awareness, patient meetings, advocacy activities, and human interest stories. Available online and by mail.

The IMF's VAM initiative is a resource for veterans who are living with myeloma and seek information about their diagnosis, and who want to support one another through shared experiences.
-Relapsed Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) Glossary: Relapse of myeloma is defined as the reappearance of signs and symptoms after a period of improvement. Patients with relapsed disease have been treated, then developed signs and symptoms of myeloma at least 60 days after treatment ended
- Myeloma Terms & Definitions: This glossary defines commonly used myeloma-related terms.
- Guide to Acronyms & Abbreviations: A reference list of common acronyms and abbreviations that are used in multiple myeloma.
We Thank Our Sponsors:
Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi, and Pfizer.