Results of the Phase III Randomized Iskia Trial: Isatuximab-Carfilzomib-Lenalidomide-Dexamethasone Vs Carfilzomib-Lenalidomide-Dexamethasone As Pre-Transplant Induction and Post-Transplant Consolidation in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients
Updates in Multiple Myeloma Care: Isatuximab Combo Outshines Standard Therapy in Iskia Trial for Pre- and Post-Transplant Treatment
Dr. Francesca Gay discusses the phase III IsKia trial, which studies the efficacy and safety of isatuximab-carfilzomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone (IsaKRd) as pre-ASCT induction and post-ASCT consolidation vs KRd.
Abstract Title:
Results of the Phase III Randomized Iskia Trial: Isatuximab-Carfilzomib-Lenalidomide-Dexamethasone versus Carfilzomib-Lenalidomide-Dexamethasone as Pre-Transplant Induction and Post-Transplant Consolidation in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients Presented at ASH 2023
What is the purpose of this trial?
In the IsKia trial, researchers aimed to find a better way to treat patients recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma who are eligible for a stem cell transplant. Currently, the standard treatment involves a combination of medications before and after the transplant. This includes drugs like proteasome inhibitors, immunomodulatory agents, dexamethasone, and a specific monoclonal antibody.
The trial focused on comparing the effectiveness and safety of a new treatment, Sarclisa® (isatuximab), Kyprolis® (carfilzomib), Revlimid® (lenalidomide), and dexamethasone (IsaKRd), with the standard treatment of Kyprolis (carfilzomib), Revlimid (lenalidomide), and dexamethasone (KRd). The goal was to determine if IsaKRd could be a more beneficial option for patients in terms of both pre-transplant induction and post-transplant consolidation. This research is crucial for improving the overall care and outcomes for individuals with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma who are eligible for a stem cell transplant.
In this video:
Francesca Gay, MD, PhD, (University of Turin—Turin, Italy) discusses the efficacy and safety of Sarclisa (isatuximab), Kyprolis (carfilzomib), Revlimid (lenalidomide), and dexamethasone (IsaKRd) as an option for myeloma treatment for patients in both pre-transplant induction and post-transplant consolidation.
In transplant-eligible, newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients, the addition of Sarclisa (isatuximab) to Kyprolis (carfilzomib), Revlimid (lenalidomide), and dexamethasone (KRd) induction and consolidation significantly increased minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity rates in every treatment phase as compared to KRd, with no new safety concerns. This benefit was retained in high-risk myeloma patients.
Trial Information: Abstract #4
Doctor Bio:
Francesca Gay, MD, PhD, is Associate Professor in the University of Turin, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, and works as hematologist at the SSD Clinical trials in onco-hematology and multiple myeloma, Division of Hematology, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza of Turin, Italy.