In the U.S., African Americans are about 14% of the country's population, but they constitute about 20% of all myeloma patients. And that incidence is actually growing. This is an enormous burden, considering 1 in every 5 patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma in the U.S. is African American.

PSA 2 | Ice-T Sets the Record Straight On Multiple Myeloma, It's Not Melanoma
Ice-T Sets The Record Straight On Multiple Myeloma, "It's Not Melanoma."
Let's talk about the most common blood cancer in African Americans.
It hits hard, but together, we can educate, fight, and raise awareness. Know the signs, symptoms. Talk to your doctor.
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Actor and Artist Ice-T Raises Awareness of Myeloma in the Black Community
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Mezigdomide (MEZI) Plus Dexamethasone (DEX) and Daratumumab (DARA) or Elotuzumab (ELO) in Patients (pts) with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM): Results from the CC-92480-MM-002 Trial