
How Can You Get Involved with IMF Advocacy?

You can be involved as much or as little as you choose. You can choose a level of engagement that fits your comfort and interest level. We will support you in all advocacy endeavors, including:

Keep Updated on Our Activities 

Sign up for the IMF Advocacy Newsletter and join quarterly Advocacy in Action calls to learn about the top issues. You can also request that we present to your support group on an advocacy topic.

Send Letters and Emails

Sign up for IMF Action Alerts and easily write or email your legislators with your personal story and suggest specific policy changes as recommended by the IMF.

Join Us in Meetings

Join us on Capitol Hill and share your story with your Senators or Representatives in person. You can also join us in meeting with your legislators virtually.

Attend Events

Attend a legislator's local event such as a Town Hall Meeting. Join us in Washington, DC for a Congressional Briefing.

Get Social

Follow your legislators and the IMF on social media. Like, repost, and comment. Remember to be respectful and polite.

Become an Advocate

Start today and share your story by contacting us at [email protected].


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