For more information, please contact
Mary Norat 734-645-1713
Gerry Auth 734-930-0339
E-mail: [email protected]
Meeting Location: We are currently meeting alternately between virtual and in person.
42.2630345, -83.6532157
When you reach St. Joe's campus, follow the large maroon, brown, burgundy directional signs to the Specialty Centers Area and the Women's Health Center. When you reach the building, look for the bright yellow directional signs for the Ann Arbor Myeloma Group.
PLEASE NOTE THAT GPS WILL LEAD YOU TO THE WRONG PLACE. Please use St. Josesph Hospital Directional Signs and follow to the "Specialty Centers Area".
Upcoming events
IMF Events
Support Group Events
Our Annual Ann Arbor Support Group Potluck Picnic in August 2024
Our Ann Arbor Support Group held a potluck picnic in July to which 29 people attended and had a wonderful time connecting with old and new friends that we have been meeting with mostly via Zoom these past 3+ years. We experienced sunshine and temperatures around 80 degrees - very comfortable in the shade and with a light breeze. We hope to increase our in-person meetings to be more frequent, but have been doing so slowly due to the continued concern for covid as well as other types of infection. An outside event helps everyone be more comfortable with the closer contact with larger groups.