For exact dates and details, please contact
Barbara Davis 651-210-2985
Group E-mail: [email protected].
We are holding hybrid meetings. To join us on zoom, please contact us via email to receive the login link.
45.0566274, -92.8096858
You are not alone! Whether you are newly diagnosed or a long-time survivor, living with Multiple Myeloma can be daunting. Multiple Myeloma can very often be treated successfully, and many patients live long and productive lives after being diagnosed.
Our group mission is to Inspire, Inform and Support. Our meetings are a mix of presentations from experts and sharing from patients, caregivers and friends. Some topics we discuss include the latest in medical treatments, understanding test results, living better with myeloma, coping with side effects, choosing the right medical insurance and overall sharing how we all are doing. Take advantage of our breadth of knowledge and experience! Ask us, we’ve been there . . . Together we all grow stronger!
Email us at our address below to get on our distribution list so you can receive the meeting announcements. You can also view the details of our next support group meetings, get driving directions, etc. here on our web site.
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IMF Events